Beaverhead County
The Area V Agency on Aging contracts with the City of Dillon, Beaverhead Allied Senior Services, (BASS), and Beaverhead Senior Ci to provide the following services in Dillon:
Transportation: Bus service is available for seniors and adults with a disability. The bus is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Home Health Nurse: Health screening for seniors including evaluations, assessment, medication management, coordination of care, B-12 injections, blood pressure clinics and prescribed treatments.
Home Delivered Meals: BASS sub-contracts to produce meals to be delivered five days a week.
Congregate Meals: The Dillon Senior Center provides congregate meals three times a month.
Commodity Supplemental Food Program: Eligible seniors can receive monthly food baskets through the Beaverhead Commodity Food Program.
The Area V Agency on Aging is working with the Springhill Senior Program to develop services in Lima.
Congregate Meals: The Springhill Senior Program serves a congregate meal once a month at the Lima Town Hall, (usually on the third Thursday at 6:30 p.m.) Reservations are requested.
Transportation: BASS provides transportation once a month to Dillon and Butte for shopping and errands.
Contact Information:
City of Dillon: 125 N. Idaho Street; Dillon, MT 59725; phone: (406)-683-4245
Transportation: phone (406) 660-4247
Beaverhead Alllied Senior Services: P.O. Box 1422; Dillon, MT 59725
Beaverhead Senior Citizens Center: 126 S. Montana; Dillon, MT 59725; phone: (406) 683-4265
Commodity Supplemental Food Program: Beaverhead Commodity Food Program. Contact: Maureen Wood; phone (406) 865-0747; e-mail:
Spring Hill Senior Program: Dave Moss; P.O. Box 70; Lima, MT 59739; phone (406) 276-3565; email: